Vox Filters
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Vox Filters - Certifications

Vox Filters has all the quality certifications required in the market!

What is ISO?

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. It is a non-gorvernmental organization which is present in around 120 countries. This organization was founded in 1947 in Geneva and it has as main purpose, standardizing and approving international standards in all technical fields (technical standards), countries' ratings, procedures and processes standards, etc. In Brazil, the ISO is represented by ABNT (Associação Brazileira de Normas Técnicas) or BTSA (Brazilian Technical Standards Association).

ISO14001: A set of standards to establish and operate na Environmental Management System.

ISO9001: A set of standards which compounds a Quality Management model.

OHSAS 18001: A set of standards which compounds a Quality Management model.

ISO/TS 16949: A set of Quality Management System requirements for the automobile industry.

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